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ProbGate at EHRSQL 2024: Enhancing SQL Query Generation Accuracy through Probabilistic Threshold Filtering and Error Handling

Sangryul Kim and 2 other authors

WangLab at MEDIQA-M3G 2024: Multimodal Medical Answer Generation using Large Language Models

Augustin Toma and 4 other authors

Saama Technologies at EHRSQL 2024: SQL Generation through Classification Answer Selector by LLM

Mohammed Jabir and 2 other authors

Overview of the EHRSQL 2024 Shared Task on Reliable Text-to-SQL Modeling on Electronic Health Records

Gyubok Lee and 3 other authors

UTSA-NLP at ChemoTimelines 2024: Evaluating Instruction-Tuned Language Models for Temporal Relation Extraction

Xingmeng Zhao and 1 other author

IryoNLP at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Tackling the Medical Error Detection & Correction Task on the Shoulders of Medical Agents

Jean-Philippe Corbeil

Overview of the 2024 Shared Task on Chemotherapy Treatment Timeline Extraction

Jiarui Yao and 4 other authors

VerbaNexAI at MEDIQA-CORR: Efficacy of GRU with BioWordVec and ClinicalBERT in Error Correction in Clinical Notes

Juan Pajaro and 4 other authors

LAILab at Chemotimelines 2024: Finetuning sequence-to-sequence language models for temporal relation extraction towards cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy treatment

Shohreh Haddadan and 3 other authors

PromptMind Team at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Improving Clinical Text Correction with Error Categorization and LLM Ensembles

Satya Kesav Gundabathula and 2 other authors

KnowLab_AIMed at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Chain-of-Though (CoT) prompting strategies for medical error detection and correction

Zhaolong Wu and 6 other authors

Evaluating Lexicon Incorporation for Depression Symptom Estimation

Kirill Milintsevich and 2 other authors

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